Yes, I was inspired by my mother, some homeschool blogs, and a friend across the world to take advantage of this free time in the summer and help my soon-to-be third grader learn the fifty states. We just finished studying the five regions of the U.S. and I think it's important to know the states and where they lie and, am I dreaming?, their capitals????? I think not. ;-) Anyways I was bribing my children at the Dollar Tree (Yes, I am a cheap skate!) and ran across a beautiful U.S. map for .....Can you believe it?.... $1. I was ecstatic. Here was the answer to my dilemma. Now I didn't have to visit a teacher store. (I live about 40 miles from the nearest one. Did I mention we live in the boonies?) I didn't have to spend a bunch on educational supplies. You won't either. You probably have every thing you need at home. I could begin the quest for geographical (domestic anyways) knowledge. Let me just say, I took the easy route and learned the song......Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California.......Big Man, however, thinks it's hoakie, IMAGINE. I digress... Anyways, here's what I did:

Step #1 I bought two maps. One to hang on his bedroom wall. Another to use in our progress.
Step#2 I grabbed our social studies book we are using, and used it to divide the states into the 5 geographic regions. This will save you time. Here they are :
Southeast: Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina.
Northeast:Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine.

Middle West: Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota.
West:Montana, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, Wyoming
Southwest: Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma

Step #3: I used five different colors of scrap paper to separate the states into regions. I chose pink for the southeast, green for the northeast, blue for the middle west, yellow for the west, and orange for the southwest.
Step #4 I cut the paper into 1/4 inch strips.
Step #5: I cut the strips to cover the names of states: Some double decker names may need a 1/2 inch strip. Tape the colored paper
over the names so your child can lift the paper to self check as he/she studies.
Then, viola, you are ready to study the Fifty Nifty United States..... sorry, I burst into show tunes often.